Nothing Lasts Forever...

25thMay 2019 | Reading time: 5 min
By Rakesh Singh

Nothing lasts forever
Source : pexels


he good news is nothing lasts forever and the bad news is nothing lasts forever. Everything is ephemeral. After a certain timeline everything begins to fade away. Nothing exists afterwards.

Your relationships will end.
Your happiness will end.
Your depression will end.
Your job will end.
Your life will end.

And yet, we cling to our past experiences expecting that they will continuously provide those perpetual feelings and happiness. End is inevitable. Whatever we desire, whether good or bad, our lives are limited. Nothing in this world can fulfill or satisfy human needs. But the most important reason to live is that nothing gonna last forever. So enjoy the picture while it's in front of you because that moment has its own timeline too. Accept whatever you have right now. Accept whatever the life you've got cause millions of people are willing to live like yours.

Treat your friends with utmost respect and loyalty, treat your beloved with your full attention. Live today like it matters - because it does. The only moment you've got to live in is now. Don't wait for a special occasion to show the people in your life you love them - if we wait for birthday, christmas or anniversary, the moment may never come. Say the words like you really meant it and prove to them with your actions.

Nothing else in this world is constant but the change.

Tagged : ThinkingDecision MakingPsychology

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