Why Tech Needs More Women?

Why Tech Needs More Women?

By Rakesh Singh / Better Decision / 10 min

Technology has witnessed a steady growth of women entering wide range of professions including social services, law, medical sciences and computer science until 1984 and then something changed.

War With Corona Virus

war with coronavirus

By Rakesh Singh / Better Decision / 10 min

While you and I don't know whether we'll be directly affected or not, but will certainly be indirectly affected.

The Snowball Effect

the snowball effect

By Rakesh Singh / Everyday Learning / 8 min

As the idea of imagining knowledge in terms of number is impossible and incredibly unpractical. So, perhaps it's better to think about it in terms of snowball effect.

Things I Learned In Last Two Decades

lessons learned

By Rakesh Singh / Everyday Learning / 7 min

These days, my life is different and now, I no longer have goals. Instead of running after an arbitrary goal, I would prefer to have a direction in which I travel.

The Tradeoff Science


By Rakesh Singh / Decision Making / 7 min

Tradeoffs truly teaches us how to be great at few things by loosing a few things. In order to take tradeoffs into account, you need to be able to let go of the things you're not great at.

How To Write Better

how to write better

By Rakesh Singh / Self Improvement / 5 min

Writing is an art and today everyone around you is a writer. Don't you think? I mean whether you write book, blog posts, text messages, Instagram captions or tweet - you are a writer. But what makes you a better writer?

On The Shortness Of Life

On The Shortness Of Life

By Rakesh Singh / Thinking / 8 min

If you do not grasp it, it will flee and if you don't, it will still flee. So we must resonate our actions with the swiftness of time.

Consume Less and Create More

consume less create more

By Rakesh Singh / Decision Making / 5 min

If we truly want to move the needle of contentment, we must invest our time in creating more and consuming less - if we invest our time in creating, we will automatically spend less time in consuming.

The Goldilocks Rule

goldilocks rule

By Rakesh Singh / Thinking / 6 min

The best way to stay motivated is to work on tasks of your 'current abilities' or just 'manageable difficulty'.